Virtual Field Trip to the Smithsonian

During March, 3rd formers went beyond the classroom walls and into some of the world’s most iconic locations for our ongoing project on Dinosaurs: The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

A virtual field trip is a guided exploration through the world wide web that organizes a collection of pre-screened, thematically based web pages into a structured online learning experience.

This Education Virtual Field Trip was fun, educational, and very realistic! Students brought their luggage, sunglasses, curiosity and acted out the whole trip.

  • We planned our trip in Google Maps. (We situated the museum in the map, decided which means of transport we were supposed to take and calculated how long it would take)
  • Once we were ready, we went to the airport, checked in and boarded the plane. We watched the Airline´s safety video, and took off.
  • We landed in Washington, and went to the Smithsonian. The museum offered a free online tour of some of its most important and popular exhibits, such as Dinosaurs. Students could take a 360-degree look at the museum, and click around the rare facts to get additional information.
  • Once the tour was over, we had a Picnic and flew back to Barker College.

This activity was all in all amazing as students could undergo, not only a Museum activity , but also situations they may encounter during a trip.

Very soon, we’ll visit the “ Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia”, where our students will experience a Guided Tour in English.

Keep on working hard, third formers!

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